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Akil Talley headshot

Akil Talley

Alan Singer headshot

Alan Singer

Allanah Hines Headshot

Allanah Hines, Weaver Street Market

amaha sellassie headshot

amaha sellassie

Angela Sayles headshot

Angela Sayles

Arlene Wilborn headshot

Arlene Wilborn

Bahni Turpin headshot

Bahni Turpin

Ben Sandel headshot

Ben Sandel

Bijiibah Begaye headshot

Bijiibah Begaye

Bonnie Hudspeth

Bonnie Hudspeth

Brenda Haines headshot

Brenda Haines

Chris Dilley headshot

Chris Dilley

Cierra Washington headshot

Cierra Washington

Dami Odetola headshot

Dami Odetola, National Cooperative Bank

Darnell Adams headshot

Darnell Adams

Don Moffitt headshot

Don Moffitt

Erica Zenzele Hardison headshot

Erica “Zenzele” Hardison 

Erin Dale McClellan headshot

Erin Dale McClellan

Gabby Davis headshot

Gabrielle (Gabby) Davis


Gail Patrice Lockert Anthony

Grant Kessler headshot

Grant Kessler

Guy Cousins headshot

Guy Cousins

Heather Lazickas headshot

Heather Lazickas

Hether Jonna Frayer headshot

Hether Jonna Frayer

Jade Barker headshot

Jade Barker

Jamila Medley headshot

Jamila Medley

Joel Kopischke headshot

Joel Kopischke

John Guerra headshot

John Guerra, NCG

JQ Hannah headshot

JQ Hannah

Katie Novak headshot

Katie Novak

LaDonna Sanders Redmond headshot

LaDonna Sanders Redmond

Laney Gilbert-Williams headshot

Lanay Gilbert-Williams

Leslie Watson headshot

Leslie Watson

Mark Goehring headshot

Mark Goehring

Matthew Ruffi headshot

Matthew Ruffi

Michele Saavedra headshot

Michele Saavedra Slappey 

Michelle Schry headshot

Michelle Schry

Mikki Smith headshot

Mikki Smith

Opal Baker Headshot

Opal Baker

Peter Nolan headshot

Peter Nolan

Piper Carter headshot

Piper Carter

Rich Larochelle Headshot

Rich Larochelle

Rickey Hall headshot

Rickey Hall

Roderick McCulloch headshot

Roderick McCulloch

Sam McCormick headshot

Sam McCormick

Sarah Lebherz headshot

Sarah Lebherz

seven roots Team headshot

seven roots

shakara tyler headshot

shakara tyler

Shannon Ratliff Headshot

Shannon Ratliff

Siobain Mitchell headshot

Siobain Mitchell

Steve Cooke headshot

Steve Cooke

Tamah Yisrael headshot

Tamah Yisrael

Velonda Anderson headshot

Velonda Anderson

Vikas Mangipudi headshot

Vikas Mangipudi

Wynston Estis headshot

Wynston Estis


Akil Talley

Akil has 20 years of grocery/retail experience and 13 years as a chef working commercial and restaurant kitchens. He has 13 years of retail leadership experience. He is a lifetime Detroit native and is the father of 4.


Alan Singer

My present position is as a healthy food financing loan officer with the Local Enterprise Assistance Fund (LEAF) located out of Boston, MA (www.leaffund.org). LEAF is a CDFI and a national lender to cooperatives. I share a deep belief that the commitment to provide for the greater common good is a value that can build bridges across the perceived divides including race, social class, gender identity and religious beliefs. The other passion I have is for community access to healthy food to be both a catalyst for positive social change and a commonality from which All can benefit. Over the years I have supported the groundwork development of farmers markets, community gardens, farms, food cooperatives, worker owned cooperatives and other community based businesses that share a common interest of benefiting the community. I believe that, when given the opportunity to have a shared common vision, “ordinary” people can work together to create greater community wealth, enhanced opportunity and empowerment.


Allanah Hines, Weaver Street Market

Allanah Hines holds the inaugural position of Chief Culture, Engagement, and Impact Officer at Weaver Street Market, she is a founding member of the Weaver Street Market E.Q.U.I.T.Y. Alliance (an acronym for: Empowering Quality Unification & Inverting the Tribulations of Yesteryear) and serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors. With over fifteen years of experience at Weaver Street Market, Allanah leverages the coop’s power and privilege to diversify the food supply. She organizes producers, partners, and organizations to make a significant impact on the food system and create sustainable change for food security. As a relationship manager, she overcomes structural obstacles in the regulatory system and creates pathways for retail brand ownership. Drawing from her lived experience as a Black cooperator, Allanah’s passion is to globally normalize nutritious food access as a basic right. Her work has expanded Weaver Street Market’s impact from its stores to the entire state of North Carolina. Outside of her cooperative work, Allanah enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling the world. Her motto is: “What would you do if you could not fail?”


amaha sellassie

amaha sellassie is a afrofuturist, peace builder, social healer, freedom fighter, network weaver, student of cooperation and lover of humanity. He’s an Associate Professor of Sociology at Sinclair Community College in Dayton Ohio. amaha is a practitioner scholar and participatory action researcher dedicated towards building bridges of trust, healing historical wounds, and harnessing the unique gifts and talents of every human being as we press towards a just and equitable society. As the former chair of the Dayton Human Relations Council Board, his areas of interest include health and education equity, praxis, cooperative economic development, dismantling structural violence and getting the voice of marginalized communities into the center of public policy in order to emerge structures of belonging that acknowledge the dignity and worth of every human being. He is co-founder and board chair of the Gem City Market, a community driven effort to address food apartheid through a food coop dedicated to increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables within west Dayton. He is also a co-founder and co-ed of CO-OP Dayton a coop incubator that is guided by the Mondragon model towards building a Just Economy Ecosystem. Currently he is working towards his Ph. D. in Sociology at the University of Cincinnati with an emphasis on utilizing community based participatory action research (CBPAR) towards emerging health equity, co-creating opportunity and community transformation.


Angela Sayles

Angela currently serves on Collective Courage Fund governance committee which supports Black-Led food cooperatives and organizations through grant making for civic engagement and power building. She most recently held the position of CEO for the Little Africa Food Cooperative. She served as a mentor to the Food Systems Change Fellowship | Nourishing Power program facilitated by Case Western Reserve University. She advocates for local food systems and cooperatives lobbying and has worked with the Ag Noire Coalition and the National Cooperative Business Association. Angela’s work with National Black Food & Justice Alliance Market Study Group as Research Facilitator has produced a 40-page summary report on the topic of Rethinking Market Studies: Impacts for Black led Cooperatives. She is currently facilitating a series of workshops for the Coop Peer group for Q2 2024 and leading the important discussion on effective development models for food coops in Black communities. Angela was invited and participated in the Racism in the Food System convening hosted by Cornell University in March 2024. Angela hosted the United Nations parallel event focused on Innovation and Technology in Land and Food Rights for Global African Women at the 67th Commission on the Status of Women. She and her team participated in the upcoming African Food Systems Forum in September 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania presenting primary research findings from the Financial Unity East Africa team on the Tanzania sunflower cooking oil sector. Angela is also the owner of the Unity Beverages brand.


Arlene Wilborn

Former general manager for the North Flint Food Market engaged a community on the importance of having a food co-op in our neighborhood, created excitement, built a volunteer group to help coordinate events, speaking engagements to promote the store, and created job descriptions to help identify your team. Worked with the construction and equipment teams to coordinate site visits and deliveries. As a Store Director of Meijer, oversaw all departments to ensure all areas were well stocked and merchandised in alignment with all standard processes. Directed a team of 5 lines leaders, 25 team leaders and 280+ team members to achieve excellence in customer engagement, securing a 100% rating on all mystery shopper audits due to consistent training. Accomplished annual sales of over $80M by recruiting and developing a top-performing staff, while also remaining within .01% of the labor budget. Promoted diversity and inclusion while maintaining a focus on strengthening the relationships between the leadership team and staff; also coordinated the hiring of top talent in the multi-generational workplace. Achieved a track record of meeting and exceeding performance expectations, including reducing overtime by 5% while decreasing the number of empty spaces on store shelves by 10%. Enforced food safety compliance with local, state, and Federal agencies as leader of the deli, produce, meat, bakery, and grocery departments, training and guiding a staff of six team leaders and 20+ team members. Protected consumer health through sanitation compliance and extensive attention to detail.


Bahni Turpin

A native of Pontiac Michigan, Bahni now plies her trade as an actress in Los Angeles where she is also an acclaimed narrator of audiobooks. Bahni Founded SoLA Food Co-op after moving to South Los Angeles and seeing the disparity in food availability there.


Ben Sandel

Ben Sandel is the founder of Ben Sandel Consulting, LLC and is also an owner of Columinate, Catalysts for Common Good. He provides leadership support to mission-driven organizations, designs and delivers in-person and online trainings, and guides and supports co-ops nationwide in raising millions of dollars for new stores, expansions, and startups. He is a consultant in Columinate’s Cooperative Board Leadership Development (CBLD) program. Before establishing his consulting practice, Ben was the board president and leader of the founding team of the Friendly City Food Co-op in Harrisonburg VA and served on the board of the Takoma Park-Silver Spring Co-op in Takoma Park MD.


Bijiibah Begaye

Bijiibah Begaye is the Executive Director of Cooperative Catalyst, where she helps to build generative partnerships, develop new co-op curriculum and training, and leads the organization’s work to organize and expand the organizations’ cooperative development and ecosystem-building efforts in communities across the Southwest. In addition to her work with Cooperative Catalyst, Bijiibah is proud to serve on Cooperation Works! board. Prior to joining the leadership team at Cooperative Catalyst, Bijiibah served as the Executive Director of Tse Ko Community Development Corporation and as a Program Director for the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. In addition to her work experience, Bijiibah’s biggest influence comes from being raised in Coalmine Mesa on the Navajo Nation, where she and her family have managed Staggered Hearts Ranch for over 40 years


Bonnie Hudspeth

Bonnie Hudspeth is an Independent Consultant with Firebrand Cooperative. As an experienced community organizer, facilitator, and project manager, she brings over two decades of experience in the cooperative and non-profit sectors. She specializes in leadership, organizational, and systems development. She serves as Vice President for the Cooperative Fund of the Northeast, advancing community-based, cooperative, and democratically owned or managed enterprises across the Northeastern United States. For more than a decade, she led Co-operative Development for the Neighboring Food Co-operative Association, supporting the shared learning, innovation, and success of more than 45 food co-ops and startup initiatives across the Northeast. Prior to that, she was the project manager leading all pre-operational and membership development and fundraising to open Monadnock Food Co-op (2013) in Keene, New Hampshire. She’s all about cooperatives, mutual aid, and community ownership of all the essential things we need to thrive.


Brenda Haines

Brenda Haines is Co-founder/Consultant with Blue Door Consulting, an Oshkosh-based marketing consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations grow. From start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, Brenda has helped dozens of clients with brand, content marketing, web/digital projects that drive results. In her “real life”, Brenda uses a variety of marketing automation and technology tools. The co-op represents her first foray into NationBuilder. Brenda currently serves as Oshkosh Food Co-op Board President. She has used NationBuilder and other tools for planning the Oshkosh Food Co-op’s trademark Co-op Grow-op events.


Chris Dilley

Chris Dilley has been a cooperative grocery retail manager for over 20 years, nearly all of that at People’s Food Co-op of Kalamazoo, with a recent year-long stint at the store opening manager with Detroit People’s Food Co-op. He is passionate about the cooperative model, operational excellence, local food systems development, and equitable access for all. He now shares his experience with co-ops throughout the country, supporting start-ups and transitions of all types through Columinate. His goal is to make Michigan’s cooperative economy the strongest in the nation. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI, with his wife and son, and their pup, Cayanne. He enjoys reading science fiction, cooking new things, and long walks in the woods.


Cierra Washington

Cierra is the Executive Director for the Northside Food Co-op in Wilmington, North Carolina. The Northside, a historically Black neighborhood in Wilmington, has been without a grocery store for over 30 years. A UNCW alum with a BS in psychology, Cierra became intensely involved with local community organizations via work and volunteer engagements. Through these experiences she developed a passion for food access and food justice. This drew her to the Northside Food Co-op, starting as a volunteer which led to a full time position, and a promotion to project manager. The co-op is engaged with the local county in a public-private partnership to develop a grocery co-op in the Northside, and with local government support for the store post-opening. Today Cierra leads the co-op’s small-but-mighty staff in robust community programming aimed at addressing social determinants of health within the Northside neighborhood. The team is building significant relationships with local residents and community agencies. Cierra also coordinates the co-op’s board of directors and activities to advance the co-op’s grocery enterprise project.


Dami Odetola, National Cooperative Bank

Dami Odetola is Vice President at National Cooperative Bank and responsible for providing banking solutions for food cooperatives, independent grocery retailers and purchasing cooperatives on the East Coast. Since joining the bank in 2008, Dami has served in various positions, including relationship manager for NCB’s business cooperatives, credit analyst in the corporate banking department and asset manager in NCB’s risk management department. Dami is an avid promoter of cooperatives and has advised state and national governments on the impact and importance of the cooperative business model. He is also an active volunteer, a passionate photographer and serves on the boards of The ICA Group, The Fund for Jobs Worth Owning, Local Enterprise Assistance Fund (LEAF), Keystone Development Center (KDC), Partners for Development (PfD) and NCBA Co-Chair – Cooperative Development Program Council.


Darnell Adams

Darnell Adams is a dynamic leadership coach, facilitator, and business strategist, who has over two decades of experience working with nonprofit, for-profit, and cooperative businesses. She has been personally recognized in “Bold Thinkers Who Are Shaping Our City” by Boston Magazine’s Power of Ideas and as a Social Innovator by the Social Innovation Forum accelerator program. She develops and facilitates strategic plans, special projects, and workshops, providing expertise and training on an array of topics including transformational leadership, understanding implicit bias and power. She has presented to large and small groups within industry, city and state governments, universities, and media outlets. Darnell has a Master of Education from Harvard University and is an International Coaching Federation Credentialed Coach.


Don Moffitt

Don works through Columinate providing support for co-ops planning large capital investments. Until recently he provided numerous start-ups with proformas. His services include project management, financial literacy training, expansion and business planning, assistance with lease negotiations and general development assistance. He’s worked in natural foods retail since 1981, including Store Team Leader, Regional President and Vice President of Store Development for Whole Foods Market. He served as Project Manager for the Durham Co-op Market in Durham, NC. He holds a B.Architecture (University of Texas, Austin) and an MBA (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).


Erica “Zenzele” Hardison 

Erica “Zenzele” Hardison serves as the board president for One Community Grocery Co-op, a start-up group working to build a cooperatively-owned grocery store on the Southside of St. Petersburg, FL. For over twenty years she has worked in St. Petersburg to help develop sustainable change in many areas including education, healthcare, housing, and food/agriculture. Zenzele brings her foundational goal — making the lives of all people better through sustainable, cooperative and collaborative development — to every project. With a B.S. in Mathematical Sciences, and her experience as an educator, a small business owner, and a community organizer, she has honed her natural ability to solve problems and think logically, creatively, and globally, while acting locally.


Erin Dale McClellan

Erin Dale McClellan is the executive director of The Partnership and Partnership Action Fund, a c3/c4 funder collaborative that has defined the practice of grantmaking to advance community and independent political power in 11 states. She is the former Executive Director of Blueprint NC—a collaborative of 58 progressive organizations working for a fairer, more just North Carolina. She is a founding member and the President of the Fertile Ground Food Cooperative in Southeast Raleigh and a community driven effort to start a community owned cooperative grocery store and gathering space. She has been awarded the SiStars Award from the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, William C. Friday Fellowship for Human Relations, Local Hero Citizen of the Year in 2015 from Indy Week magazine, the Community Leader of the Year award from the North Carolina A. Philip Randolph Institute and most recently the Cooperative Champion Award from Up and Coming and the Indiana Cooperative Development Center.


Gabrielle (Gabby) Davis

Gabrielle (Gabby) Davis is the Racial Equity & Food Justice Manager for the National Co+op Grocers and the Board Treasurer for the Detroit People’s Food Co-op. Gabby has earned a graduate degree in public health and another in counseling and is the owner of Equitable Counseling & Consulting which provides mental health therapy that prioritizes the needs of Black, Brown and Queer folks. In her free time, Gabby enjoys reminding people that addiction is a disease, not a choice, dispelling myths about allyship and encouraging folks to say, ‘I don’t know’ instead of pretending to know. Gabby lives in the metro Detroit area with her wife and her wife’s dog and enjoys ruffling feathers when the opportunity arises. Community is Gabby’s love language.


Gail Patrice Lockert Anthony

Gail Patrice Lockert Anthony, owner and founder of Black Label Consulting and Coaching and Black Soil Media, has been working for, and toward, the beloved community for most of her life. She is a consultant, coach, facilitator, transformative mediator, and writer who uses workshops,  retreats, and online courses to build allies, partnerships, and collaborations. There is always more to share, higher ground to reach, and those she’d like to inspire to do more to create a nation that speaks to and for all of us. Her work in Anti Racist education for co-ops and communities is meant to help all co-op leaders, management, staff, members, and communities know and understand that our communities, and so our democracy,  only ends when we fail to nourish it, and is only a lie when we fail to incorporate the values and principles that sustain them. Love, Belonging, Community…Justice. This is our arc of achievement. Join me…


Grant Kessler

Grant Kessler brings over 15 years of experience in building and managing data systems to this interactive session. As one of the founding leaders of Chicago Market – A Community Co-op (Steering Committee lead and Board President for the first seven years), and as a consultant for amazing organizations such as Chefs Collaborative, FamilyFarmed (now Naturally Chicago), and the Good Food EXPO, he has played a pivotal role in establishing organizations’ data infrastructure from the ground up. He remains actively involved as a Board member and marketing team lead at Chicago Market, utilizing these systems daily to drive strategic initiatives. Grant’s expertise in data strategy and implementation will equip co-op board members with the tools needed to transform their data into a powerful asset.


Guy Cousins

Guy Cousins is a proud native of Richmond, Virginia. He completed his undergraduate studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Administration. He subsequently completed his post-graduate degree studies at Charlotte School of Law, obtaining his Juris Doctorate, and ultimately being successful in passing the North Carolina State Bar Exam the same year. Guy has been in private practice since. Community economic development is of high import and has become a large part of his daily activities. Outside of practicing law, Guy has an immutable passion for ensuring the upward mobility of the youth and residents of underserved communities. Currently living in the Charlotte-Metro area, he serves as a Board Member on the West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition, and Chairman of the Board for the Three Sisters Market Food Co-op. He has had the pleasure of previously serving on the Boards for T.I.M.E. Foundation, a mentoring organization, and the Mecklenburg County Black Chamber of Commerce. All things mentioned serve secondarily to his young family, whom he cherishes and is grounded by daily.


Heather Lazickas

Heather works in co-op development with seven roots, a worker-owned firm that teams up with grocers to build community-focused businesses. Heather fell into co-ops early in her career through marketing + branding, communications, and eventually, store operations. She is increasingly engaged on issues of food access.

She is board vice president at Lexington Co-op Markets, serves on various professional committees, and is passionate about connecting with the people she meets, works, and lives with. Off hours, she’s probably eating.


Hether Jonna Frayer

Hether Jonna Frayer is a co-op enthusiast who believes in the power of people aligned around the cooperative principles and values to inspire meaningful and positive change in our communities. She served on the board of People’s Food Co-op in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for 21 years. She also serves on the board of Can-Do Kalamazoo, a business incubator. Hether is a member of Columinate, a shared services cooperative, and supports mission-driven organizations such as nonprofits and cooperatives with governance training, leadership development, board orientation, retreat and meeting facilitation, and equity work. Hether is energized by the opportunity to talk with, learn from, and be inspired by cooperators from all over the country, and so excited to welcome start-up cooperators to Kalamazoo!


Jade Barker

A life-long social justice activist, Jade joined her local food co-op startup effort in 2002 as an outreach volunteer, never imagining how tumultuous the startup journey would be. She joined Columinate in 2014, partly to honor the gifts of wisdom she received from Columinate consultants in her own co-op journey. She joined River Valley Co-op’s board in 2005, winning a national award for cooperative board service in 2014, the same year her home co-op, River Valley Co-op, was recognized as retailer of the year. She’s especially passionate about the cooperative business model, which elevates equity and empowers communities, and the power of cooperation to transform the human spirit. Jade is also a trained mediator, coach, and a former co-director of the Mediation & Training Collaborative in Greenfield, MA. Her master’s degree in Transformational Leadership and Coaching has convinced her that we are all leaders and that we can all create change.


Jamila Medley

Jamila Medley leverages experience working within the economic and racial justice movements to support organizations committed to transformational change. With a background in organizational development, she brings facilitation expertise and thought partnership to highly participatory processes related to governance, strategic planning, and leadership development. Inspired by trust-based philanthropic principles, Jamila stewards The Partnership Fund’s Collective Courage Fund, is board chair of the Independence Public Media Foundation, and a co-lead within Securing Roots. Her solidarity economy building efforts include being a collaborator in projects like Solidarity Resource, the Solidarity Economy Principles Project, Columinate’s Co-op Cafe and she serves on the board of directors of the Food Co-op Initiative. From 2012-2021, Jamila served in governance roles and then as executive director of the Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance (PACA).


Joel Kopischke

Joel Kopischke has worked with co-ops for over 20 years, focusing on board development, cooperative governance, facilitation, strategic leadership, and executive coaching. (Governance nerd alert! Joel was even trained in Policy Governance at the Policy Governance® Academy by the Carvers – aka inventors of PG.) He is seven roots’ operations manager, working with the team to support co-ops in store development: design, site feasibility, branding, prepared foods, and project support. seven roots is a worker-owned co-op. He served as Board President with Outpost Natural Foods then spent 9 years with CDS Consulting Co-op (now Columinate) working with dozens of co-ops of various types and industries in the US, Canada, and even New Zealand, before joining seven roots. Out in the wild, Joel is also a professional actor and singer; a favorite summer pastime is singing the national anthem for Milwaukee Brewers baseball games. He is a certified facilitator for experiential trainings focused on personal development, including JEDI work addressing power, privilege, and difference through the Mankind Project.


John Guerra, NCG

John joined NCG in 2015 and advises co-ops on the planning and implementation of store reinvestment, relocations, and new store projects. John has over 17 years of experience in retail real estate development and asset management with expertise in market & financial analysis, lease negotiation, project development, and portfolio management. 


JQ Hannah

JQ Hannah is the Assistant Director of the Food Co-op Initiative and specializes in the development of trainings and content to empower startup food co-op organizers to lead in their communities. A deep believer in the power of peer idea sharing and the best innovations coming from those leading in the trenches of the movement, JQ has headed up the expansion of FCI’s peer learning opportunities, from the FCI peer remote learning groups, to the FCI regional DeepDive trainings, to the FCI Live video series. JQ served as the General Manager of Common Ground Food Co-op in Urbana, IL from 2006-2015, leading them through two store expansions and five years of being the fastest growing food co-op in the nation. 


Katie Novak

From the moment Katie learned about food co-ops she was all in. She jumped in first as a volunteer, later as an employee, and now as a coach (aka consultant). She has made it her mission to support, coach, and empower co-ops. 

Katie has helped co-ops raise over $9,500,000 since she began providing coaching to start-up grocery co-ops in 2017. She began her consulting career after record-breaking success chairing Green Top Grocery Co-op’s (Bloomington, IL) Capital Campaign in 2016. 

In addition to capital campaign services, Katie assists co-ops with owner growth and engagement which includes communication with current and future co-op owners. She also prides herself on being Green Top Grocery’s first employee. As the first employee of an organization, she has a unique perspective about what a new employee needs to be successful and has assisted numerous co-ops in hiring and onboarding their first employee. 

Her work has recently expanded to include grassroots marketing consultation to mission driven organizations. In addition, she has co-founded a sister company called CoApp with Jess Buttimer of Prairie Food Co-op (Lombard, IL). CoApp is a cloud-based owner tracking and fundraising system designed especially for co-ops. CoApp supports cooperation among cooperatives, resulting in data-driven insights including trends, tips & best practices.


LaDonna Sanders Redmond

LaDonna is a Qualified Administrator (QA) of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), Intercultural Organizational Development Consultant and Coach with Columinate. LaDonna serves as Board President of Seward Community Co-op in Minneapolis and is a Board Member of National Cooperative Business Association. LaDonna is a community activist who worked on several public health issues throughout her career such as substance abuse, violence and food justice. LaDonna successfully worked to get Chicago Public Schools to eliminate junk food, launched urban agriculture projects, started a community grocery store and worked on federal farm policies to expand access to healthy food in communities of color. LaDonna is a 2003, WK Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow In 2009, Redmond was one of 25 citizen and business leaders named a Responsibility Pioneer by Time Magazine. LaDonna has a popular Tedx talk, Food + Justice = Democracy.


Lanay Gilbert-Williams

​​Lanay Gilbert-Williams, a native Detroiter and dedicated community leader, serves as Board President of the Detroit People’s Food Co-op. She is also the founder of Detroit’s Brown Moms Sisterhood Circle, a vital support system for African-American mothers, particularly those navigating the foster care system. In addition, Lanay holds leadership roles as President of the Wildemere Park Neighborhood Association and Youth Program Coordinator for Know Allegiance Nation. As a proud mother of six, she is passionate about developing solutions that empower Black youth and foster community building and nationhood.


Leslie Watson

Based in Minneapolis, Leslie Watson has been a member of Columinate’s CBLD (Cooperative Board Leadership Development) team since 2013. In that role, she supports boards of directors in all aspects of governance, from bread-and-butter to spicy and everything in between. She came to this work following a decade of service on the board of the Eastside Food Co-op, which included the thrill of opening the co-op, the anxiety of a financial crisis in the early days of operations, and the eventual joy of achieving stability and growth. Leslie is also a founding organizer and current board president of the Northeast Investment Cooperative, formed to make transformative investments in distressed real estate along her neighborhood’s commercial corridor. She embraces the co-op model and co-op startups as a great way of reshaping our relationships with our communities, and reorienting commerce and industry to serve people and planet ahead of other interests. But she thinks cooperative Scrabble is just wrong.


Mark Goehring

Mark Goehring is Manager of Columinate, a national cooperatively owned and operating consulting and management services co-op that has served startups for many years. He coordinates the Managers on Contract and Columinate Financials Services programs.


Matthew Ruffi

Matthew bridges the gap between experience and advocacy, channeling his background in corporate leadership towards community-driven initiatives. As the Sr. Project Manager of Link Up Illinois, Ruffi champions efforts to improve food accessibility for Illinoisans throughout the state. Through the Link Match program (which can double the spending power of those receiving SNAP benefits), he helps to not only put additional spending power in the hands of community members most in need, but also to increase spending locally – at farmers markets, farm stands, stores and more. In addition, he serves as the Board President of Chicago Market – A Community Co-op, where he fosters a culture of collaboration and inclusion (instilled in the organization from the previous President, Owners, and Community) as they move toward an open in 2025. Ruffi’s transition from a successful corporate career, including his tenure as the Global COO at Adstream (now XR), to a focus on community development reflects his commitment to impactful change. A self-professed “recovering corporate guy,” he believes in equipping organizations (small and large) with the tools and processes they need to thrive, especially during their formative stages, fostering sustainable success and deep community engagement.


Michele Saavedra Slappey 

I am a native of Brooklyn, New York and attended City College of NY. I moved to the north end of Waterbury CT in 1983 with my late husband and son. My first CT job was with the Hartford Insurance Company in customer service. I stayed with the company for 25 years and retired as a Business Analyst Consultant and Project Manager. I worked several more years with other insurance and financial companies in the same roles. I currently work part time as a parent liaison in a Waterbury elementary school. During my years in CT, I have been active in multiple community, political  and faith based organizations. I believed strongly in using our skills to help others when we see a need. I hope to pass that on to my 4 grandchildren. As a resident of Waterbury, I know first-hand how needed a cooperative market is  to the community. Our motto is Unity in the Community, and the cooperative embodies this is so many ways


Michelle Schry

Michelle Schry is Retail Support Director with National Co+op Grocers supporting food co-ops in the Central U.S., where she leads a team of seven who provide direct store support to GMs, boards and staff. Prior to joining NCG in 2015, Schry spent 20 years as a food co-op GM. She’s a past recipient of the CCMA Co-op Excellent Award and a Cooperative Service Award winner.


Mikki Smith

Her passion for community service is evident in her extensive volunteer work and professional endeavors. Smith has been recognized for her contributions with prestigious awards such as the Helping Hands award from the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County and the Teen Mental Health award from NAMI of Greater Cleveland. Additionally, she is a graduate of the Neighborhood Leadership Development Program and a recipient of the John Cox Community Leadership award.

Smith’s expertise lies in curriculum development, youth programs, and crisis intervention management. As the Executive Director of Little Africa Food Collaborative, she is at the forefront of educating the community about nutrition and sustainable food systems. Her certifications in Master Rain Gardening and Master Aquaponics Instructor further solidify her role as an environmental steward.

An active member of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA), Smith is a sought-after speaker and local host for Biodiversity for a Livable Climate initiatives. Her dedication to fostering a thriving community is also reflected in her roles as treasurer and committee representative for the Black Farmers Conference.

Through her work, Mikki Smith is making a significant impact on the Cleveland community, promoting health, education, and sustainability.


Opal Baker

A community advocate and environmental justice activist, Opal Baker works at the intersection of voting rights, racial justice, and social justice. Her core belief is that everyone deserves a healthful life, with access to fresh, nutritious, and affordable food within their own community as a fundamental right. Opal believes that voting is a critical tool for driving change toward a more just and equitable food system for all and that folks should feel empowered to choose the change they want to see through the power of their vote. The founder of a community-based organization, Forward Together East Point, and a board member for Market 166 Grocery & Kitchen Co-op in East Point, Georgia, Opal brings decades of experience as a business owner in the arts, non-profit, start-ups, and food systems. Her leadership skills, community organizing experience, and entrepreneurial spirit are all dedicated to Market 166’s mission, and her connection to Market 166’s mission – expanding food access, investing in the local economy, cultivating community connections, and engaging residents as a food resource – aligns perfectly with her vision of food sovereignty for her community.


Peter Nolan

Peter Nolan is the Board President of the Sugar Beet Co-op in Oak Park, IL. He has served in that role since the opening of the co-op in 2015. Peter has been in the food business for over 30 years, holding marketing leadership positions at several innovative companies. He began his career as a Scoop Truck Driver for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and grew to lead all the consumer promotions at the values-driven company. Peter moved on to lead the marketing efforts of Potbelly Sandwich Works and Roti Mediterranean Grill. In 2016, he founded 5th P Marketing, a consultancy focused on small, entrepreneurial restaurants and other companies. A Chicago native, Peter studied Mass Communications at UC Berkeley. He and his wife Karen Steward-Nolan have two daughters.


Piper Carter

Piper Carter is an Arts and Culture Organizer and Hip Hop activist with focus on Environmental and Climate Justice, Food Sovereignty, Black Liberation, Racial Equity, Gender Justice, Education Justice, Entertainment Justice communities and the Maker Space movement. She is the Environmental Justice Coordinator for the Detroit Black COmmunity Food Sovereignty Network, Midwest Convener and founding member of the Black Caucus for Climate Justice Alliance, a  Leadership Team member of the National Black Food and Justice Alliance, Cultural Trainer for Detroit Action, Cohort Member of Detroit Equity Action Lab (for Racial Equity), Founding Member of the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition. 


Rich Larochelle

Rich is a founding director of the Fredericksburg Food Co-op and has been deeply involved in the essential aspects of helping to make the Co-op a reality for Fredericksburg– from raising funds to recruiting new members to plan events to volunteering at the Farmers Market and representing the Co-op before numerous community groups. Rich has been a board officer since the Co-op was incorporated in 2015, including serving as board chair for 3 years, vice chair for 2 years and as board treasurer for the past 4 years.

Rich worked for cooperatives for 40 years prior to moving to Fredericksburg in 2014 with his wife Linda who is an accomplished artist and retired art teacher. Rich was Senior Vice President at the Cooperative Finance Corporation until retiring from there at the end of 2013, and Legislative Director at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association where he worked for 12 years. He continues to serve as the Board Chair of the Cooperative Development Foundation, a national c(3) organization that supports the creation of cooperatives as a way of positively impacting economic and social problems.

Rich recently joined the board of the Food Co-op Initiative which provides essential assistance to communities seeking to start a food co-op. Rich was inducted into the Cooperative Hall of Fame in 2017. 


Rickey Hall

Rickey Hall was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has lived in West Charlotte for his entire life. Hall received his bachelor’s degree in organizational communications from Queens University in Charlotte. Mr. Hall has always worked with nonprofit organizations throughout the local community and is an important member of numerous neighborhood coalitions and organizations such as the West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition and formerly, the West Side Community Land Trust. Mr. Hall has spent his lifetime working to implement sustainable community-driven solutions to address systemic social and economic mobility challenges in disenfranchised African American communities and promoting community-driven initiatives focused on addressing systemic food insecurity and improved health access. He intends to bring greater food and economic security to West Charlotte through his work with community gardens and the opening of a co-op market called the Three Sisters Market. Mr. Hall consistently implores upon the Community the importance of their working internally to combat issues which external entities have proven themselves to not value appropriately. Mr. Hall still lives in the same home that he was born and raised in, that his grandmother built in 1951. Real-estate investors ask him to sell it on a daily basis. In light of all the consistent community engagement, Mr. Hall places no higher regard on anything above his family.


Roderick McCulloch

Roderick McCulloch became a member of the Shared Capital team in 2022. As a part of the lending team his responsibilities include underwriting loan applications, providing ongoing support to borrowers, and collaborating on ways to improve operations. Prior to his time at Shared Capital Cooperative, he spent almost a decade in the food co-op sector filling numerous roles with a focus on improving production, providing supportive leadership, and implementing merchandising strategies. In addition to his tenure at Seward Community Co-op, he spent another decade working in the hospitality industry with small independent food businesses, which developed in him a passion for providing excellent service to others. Roderick earned a BA in Community Recreation and a Masters in Co-operative and Credit Union Management from St. Mary’s University in Nova Scotia, Canada.


Sam McCormick

Sam McCormick is the General Manager at Assabet Co-op Market in Maynard, MA. They were born and raised in Philadelphia and have worn many different hats over the years. In addition to the years managing Mariposa Food Co-op in West Philly, they have spent time in co-op education, green construction, and business management and consulting in a variety of sectors. They are passionate about food sovereignty, anti-racism, and social equity work, and have tried to center these values in all of their pursuits. Sam is thrilled to be back working in the co-op sector and relocated to Massachusetts with their partner three years ago for this work. Sam brought their wealth of experience in co-op management and green construction to the challenge of securing a site and opening Assabet’s store. Now the work of guiding and supporting a thriving open store is here! Sam believes that community support is vital for a successful consumer-owned co-op and strives to continue embedding this in the operations of the open store.


Sarah Lebherz

Sarah Lebherz works with Columinate developing pro forma financials for start-up cooperatives. She’s worked at Common Market Co-op in Frederick, MD for over 25 years as Merchandising Manager, General Manager, Project Manager and most recently, Chief Financial Officer. She has been Project Manager for two expansion projects for Common Market during her tenure, including the expansion of the original store and the development of a second store. She has previously served as a member of the Risk Management Committee for the Eastern Corridor of National Cooperative Grocers (NCG).


seven roots

seven roots provides store development and design support to food co-ops and independent grocers, with a passion for helping young cooperatives make a difference in their communities. The team delivers store development support and services, including site selection and feasibility, project coordination, store design and programming, prepared foods work, as well as branding, and governance/GM coaching. What’s cool about 7r? The group works collaboratively, bringing their varied backgrounds in cooperatives and store operations into each project. They’ve filled roles on co-op retail floors, admin support, board seats, and on startup teams. Those experiences inform their work with co-ops nationwide. seven roots is proudly worker owned and committed to cooperation! What else? These folks are people people. Please introduce yourselves and your co-op – 7r loves to tackle challenges and connect folks to resources.


shakara tyler

shakara tyler is a returning-generation farmer, educator and organizer who engages in Black agrarianism, agroecology, food sovereignty and environmental justice as commitments of abolition and decolonization. She obtained her PhD at Michigan State University in Community Sustainability (CSUS) and works with Black farming communities in Michigan and the Mid-Atlantic. She explores participatory and decolonial research methodologies and community-centered pedagogies in the food justice, food sovereignty and environmental justice movements. She is the Co-Executive Director of the Detroit Black Community Food Sovereignty Network (DBCFSN), board member of the Detroit People’s Food Co-op (DPFC) and co-founder of the Detroit Black Farmer Land Fund (DBFLF) and a member of the Black Dirt Farm Collective (BDFC) and a Lecturer at the University of Michigan in School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS).


Shannon Ratliff

Shannon Ratliff resides in Imperial Beach, CA. She has been an active part of opening SunCoast Market Co-op since 2016. SunCoast Market will be only the second grocery co-op in San Diego County, and one of few in Southern California. She is currently the Vice President on the board of directors and works as Outreach Manager. A significant role she has played in these positions is public and government relations and fundraising. Their fundraising strategy has been to focus on grants and larger gift donations. In her free time, she works in the healthcare field and has spent many years advocating for healthy communities in both a public and professional capacity.


Siobain Mitchell

Siobain Mitchell is the Finance Manager at Assabet Co-op Market in Maynard, MA. She is also a peer group facilitator & technical assistance provider through FCI and an independent consultant. Siobain loves working with start-ups, and provides financial literacy training for boards, full Stage 2 feasibility assessments, and pro forma financials. Siobain has a certificate in Financial Planning from B.U. and worked as a mortgage loan underwriter prior to taking time off to raise her family and work to organize and open a food co-op in her community.


Steve Cooke

Steve Cooke has been the General Manager of Friendly City Food Co-op since August of 2010. He came back to the Shenandoah Valley to be part of the start-up team there and applied all of the experience, skills and local food system building tools he acquired as GM of Sevananda Natural Foods Market in Atlanta, GA, where he worked for 16 years. Passionate about co-ops and creating start-ups that last, he has served on the board of Food Co-op Initiative since 2016. Steve previously served on the Risk Management Committee and Steering Committee of the Eastern Corridor of the National Co-op Grocers. He has been part of the planning committees of the Virginia Farm to Table Conference, as well as a credit union board. Steve has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Journalism from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. He likes to say that he “has a degree in Political Science and Communications, and that’s why he runs a food co-op,” tying the politics of food, and the building of strong community relationships.


Tamah Yisrael

Tamah Yisrael serves as the Director of Training & Development at Columinate, where she engages directly with communities to bolster organization and empowerment, alongside offering financial management services. A passionate advocate for cultural awareness, social justice, and equitable access to nourishing foods, Tamah is deeply involved in the cooperative movement in New Orleans. In her role as the Education & Outreach Coordinator at Cooperation New Orleans, she focuses on highlighting cooperation as both a cultural expression and a strategic pathway toward Black liberation. She is currently working with cooperative organizers across the country to form the National Association of Black Cooperators. Through active participation in numerous committees and working groups, she contributes to the ongoing efforts to forge a fairer society. She is currently serving on the board of CooperationWorks and previously served as the president of the board of the New Orleans Food Co-op. Drawing on her extensive experience as a business owner, Tamah brings valuable insights and management strategies that enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Particularly noteworthy is her role in facilitating the merger of three community groups into a Worker Self Directed Nonprofit, Builders of the Highway Foundation Inc, paving the way for the establishment of community centers in New Orleans, Miami, and Orlando, FL. Additionally, Tamah and her family have made significant contributions to the cultural and spiritual landscape through their establishment of the Neo Jazz School of Music, Yisrael Edutainment, and their collective efforts in cultural and spiritual organizing.


Velonda Anderson

Velonda Anderson, PhD, is a well-known health promotion educator, author, professor, and nutritionist specializing in nutrition coaching and plant-based diet meal makeover education. She is the founder & CEO of Sweet Potato Delights, a veteran owned small batch manufacturer of vegan dips, snacks and baked goods featuring sweet potatoes. She retired as the manager of the City of Detroit Health Department’s Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program in 2019 and has served as a consultant for the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, teaching Enhanced Fitness and facilitating a cohort of the Diabetes Prevention Program. Dr. Anderson has completed doctoral studies in the field of nutrition and health promotion and is currently a nutrition professor for South University Online. She is the author of several educational cookbooks; “Beyond Candied Yams and Sweet Potato Pie,” her second book and “Pass the Sweet Potatoes, Please!” her first book. Veteran woman-owned enterprise manufacturing sweet potato based baked goods and grab&go foods.


Vikas Mangipudi

Vikas joined CFNE in January 2022 to support the growth of cooperatives in Vermont and New Hampshire. He was born and raised in Nashua, NH before landing in the Burlington, VT area. He has lived in a housing co-op, been involved in starting multiple real estate cooperatives, and worked at a large employee-owned (ESOP) software company in addition to having served as the treasurer of the Vermont Solidarity Investing Club. His educational background includes studying Statistics and Sociology at Boston University as well as Accounting at CCV and Champlain College.


Wynston Estis

I have worked with consumer owned grocery retailers since the nineties. My first co-op job was with Willy Street Co-op in Madison, Wisconsin. As the Co-op grew and developed, I worked with store planners, architects, and engineers to develop and manage the site, retail and equipment plans for each expansion effort. That was fun! Since I began consulting, I’ve worked with Co-op’s facing a variety of challenges, including start up Co-op’s at all stages in planning and opening their unique vision of their community’s cooperative grocery store. I value the cooperative model as the standard for sustainable business. I believe in the commitment that co-ops make to their ownership. Through my work and sharing my knowledge and experience I hope to strengthen our workforce and management’s ability to grow the Co-op impact.

Swag Exchange

This year at the conference, you can bring up to six pieces of swag to exchange from your *startup food co-op* (t-shirts and/or canvas tote bags from food co-ops only please) in exchange for a ticket. During the SWAG event, you can exchange those tickets for any swag items from other startup food co-ops on the table on a first-come, first-served basis!
We’ll also have a table for stickers and buttons, you’re welcome to bring them to share, but small items will not qualify for tickets nor will you need a ticket to grab a few pieces of sticker/button swag from your peers’ co-ops!

The Role of Food Co-ops in Solidarity Economy Movement Building

Speaker – Jamila Medley

With priorities like economic justice, democratic participation, and environmental sustainability many food co-ops put their values into practice through mutualism and other opportunities to demonstrate concern for community. US food co-ops have an opportunity to emerge as important cornerstones in solidarity economy building efforts.

It Takes a Village: a Panel with Detroit People's Food Co-op and Their Opening Team

Join us for a mainstage panel with the Detroit People’s Food Co-op leadership team! Both board and management of the DPFC will be on stage to share about their opening year journey to both celebrate their accomplishments, and also share the true stories about what they learned through the process that will help startups coming up after them. The panel will be facilitated by Darnell Adams with time for Q&A from the audience!

Your ProForma, Post-Open: An Essential Tool to Avoid Mistakes and Stay Afloat

Speaker – Rich Larochelle and Brenda Haines

You’ve attended all the sessions on what a proforma is. You’ve learned how it helps you test financial feasibility pre-open. But did you know that long after you find feasibility – even after your project is fully funded – co-op leadership will continue using your co-op’s proforma to steer the ship? Two founding directors of startups that opened in 2021 will lead this session: Brenda Haines of the Oshkosh Food Co-op and Rich Larochelle of the Fredericksburg Food Co-op. They’ll share their boards’ experiences using proformas pre- and post-open, with first-hand examples of using these tools to assess co-op viability when construction costs poured in during store builds and to make sure their co-ops were on (or got back on) course post-open. Attend this session to hear their approaches to using your Co-op’s proforma to (1) determine when adjustments may be needed for your Co-op to be financially viable and (2) make mid-course corrections when plans don’t go as originally forecast. They’ll also share real-life proforma risks to keep in mind as you plan your store.

Vision – Your WHY in Action

Speakers – JQ Hannah

The word “vision” gets used a whole bunch of different ways in business, in nonprofits, and in the world in general – what exactly does it mean when organizing your food co-op? What role does it play? It’s important to understand what it is, how it can make-or-break your startup’s success at every stage (including after your co-op is open), and the basics of how you keep it alive and centered in your food co-op’s development – all of which we will cover in this session!

The Power and Potential of Food Cooperatives: What it Means to be a Co-op

Speakers – Allanah Hines

Food cooperatives have existed in various forms across cultures for centuries, serving as a testament to community solidarity and mutual aid. Today, food cooperatives are more than just grocery stores; they are hubs of community engagement, providing high-quality products and fostering local economic revitalization. This presentation will explore what it means to have a food cooperative in your community, its historical significance, and its unique benefits. Not only do food cooperatives offer unique benefits such as ownership and Board representation but, for communities seeking better quality groceries, increased accessibility, or both, a food cooperative can be a transformative solution. Join us for an engaging workshop where we will delve into: Understanding Food Cooperatives: What are they and how do they operate? Community Communication: Strategies to effectively communicate the benefits of cooperatives to your community. Education and Growth: How to educate, build, and grow your cooperative to become a central point of positive community commerce and exchange. Food cooperatives are more than just stores; they are vibrant epicenters of community life and economic activity. By understanding and embracing the cooperative model, together we can create sustainable, resilient communities that thrive on shared values and mutual support. Come and learn how you can be part of this transformative movement!

Startup Framework Input Session

Speakers – JQ Hannah and Angela Sayles

Food Co-op Initiative is leading a cooperative process transforming the original “4-in-3 model” of startup food co-op development into an evolving “framework” that can meet all communities in their unique co-op development journey. By employing a framework approach, our goal is to create core guidance that will serve the diverse array of startups organizing today in a way that is broadly culturally relevant – to startups of all different sizes, with different visions – that communities can build their specific co-op building plans from. FCI has spent the first half of 2024 collecting input from multiple experts and partner organizations on the first draft of this new framework and now we’d like to hear from you! We’ll spend this session facilitating a conversation about some of the areas that we suspect need startup community brainstorming most to better serve all startup communities, and your feedback will become a part of the framework’s evolution! This session is specifically for startup food co-ops to have a voice in the framework’s evolution. Those with support organizations are welcome to observe this session, but will be asked to yield the floor to those actively organizing startup food co-ops.

The Framework: An Introduction to the Startup Process

Speaker – JQ Hannah

Begin here! If you are at all new to the role of being a leader in a startup food co-op, no matter how long your actual that can tell you exactly how to fulfill each and every step of organizing and opening your community’s co-op. Luckily, there is a framework that has been built from the experience and knowledge of all the startup food co-op efforts of the last 15+ years that is being used by dozens of your peer startups across the country. The framework can be used to build your startup’s plan to open a thriving, sustainable food co-op and knowing the pieces of the framework will be vitally important to your co-op’s efforts. In this session, we’ll walk through an overview of all the pieces of the framework and what you need to know about them to lead your startup co-op to success. This session will be on the current version of the framework. As the startup community continuously evolves, so does the framework for creating a food co-op. If you’d like to hear more on how the framework is continuing to evolve and give input on it, join us for the Startup Framework Input Session later today!

Interactive Socratic Circle - Tribin' Up: Centering Our Solidarity

Speakers – Jamila Medley, Angela Sayles, & amaha sellassie

Join us for “Tribin’ Up: Centering Our Solidarity,” a dynamic workshop designed to deepen our understanding of solidarity economy principles and their application in our cooperative endeavors. This interactive session will feature a World Cafe engagement, fostering rich, collaborative conversations among cooperators.

Participants will explore the foundational concepts of the solidarity economy, emphasizing how cooperatives can serve as powerful tools for building a more equitable and sustainable economic system. Through guided discussions and collective brainstorming, we will identify practical strategies for leveraging our cooperative work to advance solidarity economy goals.

Whether you are a seasoned cooperator or new to the movement, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to connect, share experiences, and co-create actionable plans for strengthening our cooperative practices. Come prepared to engage, inspire, and be inspired as we work together to center our solidarity and amplify our collective impact.


Key Objectives:

  • Deepen understanding of solidarity economy principles.
  • Discuss the role of cooperatives in building a solidarity economy.
  • Engage in meaningful dialogue through World Cafe discussions.
  • Develop actionable strategies to integrate solidarity principles into cooperative work.


Don’t miss this chance to be part of a transformative conversation and contribute to a growing movement for economic justice and cooperative solidarity.

Sustaining the Spirit & the Movement: Addressing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Black Community Leaders and Volunteers

Speaker – Mama Zenzele

This presentation/workshop explores the critical issues of burnout and compassion fatigue among Black leaders and volunteers. Black leaders and volunteers are the cornerstone of community initiatives and cooperative movements, carrying forward a legacy of resilience and shaping future horizons.  We will examine the impact of burnout and compassion fatigue on leadership effectiveness and community outcomes, highlighting how these challenges can hinder decision-making, productivity, and overall project success.  We will then explore ways to combat these issues on individual, organizational, and community levels, including self-care practices, supportive organizational policies, and leveraging cultural strengths to foster open conversations and apply active mental health and wellness strategies.

This presentation will begin by defining burnout and compassion fatigue, distinguishing their symptoms and signs. Then delves into the unique challenges faced by Black leaders and volunteers, including racial trauma, discrimination, community expectations, and limited access to mental health & other resources. These factors add layers of stress and emotional burden, making it imperative to address these issues for the sustainability of our crucial work.  By focusing on the well-being of those leading and volunteering in our work in Black communities, this presentation underscores the importance of mental health in preserving the legacy of Black co-ops and ensuring a thriving future. Attendees will leave with practical tools and a deeper understanding of how to support themselves and their peers in sustaining their invaluable contributions to the work and their communities.

Power Building: Civic Engagement Strategies for Membership Growth & Sustainability

Speakers – Jamila Medley and Erin Dale McClellan

With the November 2024 election months away, it is critical for Black-led and serving cooperatives to galvanize their community towards using the resources at their disposal to protect and advocate for themselves.  We continue to do this by building independent political power while dreaming of and activating our dreams of the future we want through our economic self-determination. This means that we must look for and leverage opportunities to participate in civic engagement activities that will build our base, grow our co-op membership. 

In 2023 and 2024, the Collective Courage Fund partnered with Movement Labs to invite Black-led and serving food cooperatives to participate in a civic engagement strategy involving the development and implementation of text messaging campaigns.  The effort was to support the co-ops in using technology and data instruments traditionally leveraged in political power building strategies to engage and grow their co-op membership.  Four co-ops participated in the pilot effort. 

Panelists will include cooperators who worked on this civic engagement pilot project.  The session will provide an opportunity to hear from cooperators about the  tactics, messaging, and process used as well as examine the results.  Did membership grow?  Did more people come out to events?  Did the co-ops get new volunteers?  What were some of the challenges in organizing our member-owners to use this new strategy?  These and other questions will be answered during the session. 

Lessons and Insights from Opening

Speakers – amaha sellassie, Sis Lanay Gilbert-Williams

Join amaha sellassie from Gem City Market, Dayton and Lanay Gilbert Williams from Detroit People’s Food Co-op in discussing successes, challenges, and insights in opening a Black-led co-op. Come prepared with questions for this panel who have been involved in processes from recruiting member-owners, fundraising, community organizing, and supply chain management. The panel will talk about lessons learned to help provide insights as we develop our collective praxis.

Dismantling a Culture of Individualism.

Speakers – Piper Carter and shakara tyler

In this workshop we will define the culture of individualism and its impact on communities, particularly marginalized communities. Explore cooperative business models as an alternative to individualism.

Examine the historical and cultural roots of collective action within African/Black communities. Equip participants with the knowledge and resources to launch and sustain cooperative businesses. Discuss how cooperatives can empower communities and promote social change.

A New Approach to Start-up Co-op Launch

Speakers – Mark Goehring, Akil Talley, Chris Dilley, Wynston Estis, and Michelle Schry

Columinate has a Manager on Contract program that can support a food co-op from early in the start-up process all the way through store opening. The phases include a consultative relationship very early, followed by Managers on Contract for Project Management, Pre-store opening, Store opening and Post-store opening stages. This approach to store opening changes when to start your GM search process and goes hand in hand with Columinate’s GM Development and Training program for your new GM. We will also share info on GM Search Support, Columinate Financial Services, and how the Management on Contract process described above goes hand in hand with NCG Store Development and Retail Support services.  NCG offers project planning and construction support, product selection, promotions and merchandising support as well as a comprehensive suite of back-office systems development support from HR and IT to Marketing and Finance. Together these resources change the game for start-up co-ops.

White Saviorism in Co-ops - A Community Conversation

Speakers – Bonnie Hudspeth, Allanah Hines, Gabby Davis, JQ Hannah, Steve Cooke

White supremacy culture is a tricky beast. It lives in all of us to different degrees and manifests everywhere in our culture, including in our food co-op movement and in our individual co-ops. In this panel, we’ll look at how white saviorism manifests in our overall movement, as well speak some truths about how it shows up in our specific stores and tease out examples of how this has in the recent past (and continues) to manifest in the startup food co-op organizing. The last third of our time together we will talk about solutions, possible next steps, and identifying the next level of what hasn’t even begun to be addressed. This isn’t a topic where folks have all the answers, it is very much work our entire movement is responsible for and must work through together, so come ready to contribute your questions and wisdom to the conversation!

Indigenenous Co-op Development

Speaker – Bijiibah Begaye

Indigenous Cooperative Food Development offers a powerful framework for empowering Indigenous communities and nurturing sustainable food systems. Storytelling serves as a powerful medium for transmitting traditional knowledge, preserving cultural heritage, inspiring collective action, and promoting cross-cultural understanding. By recognizing and honoring the role of storytelling, the richness of Indigenous cultures and the importance of Indigenous knowledge can be shared and celebrated, leading to more inclusive and sustainable food systems. By honoring traditional knowledge, cultural practices, and cooperative principles, we can address food security, economic empowerment, and social well-being while preserving cultural heritage. Through the sharing of successful case studies, recognition of challenges, and proposed strategies for the future, this presentation aims to inspire collective action and foster a brighter future where Indigenous communities thrive through their own sustainable food systems.

True Stories of Choosing Our Site (the Good and the Ugly!)

Speakers – Hether Jonna Frayer and Chris Dilley

Choosing a site is among the biggest decisions a co-op has to make. It took People’s Food Co-op of Kalamazoo 30 months to select a site to build our expanded co-op on. Join us as we talk about our process of choosing the site, and for an honest look at the benefits of the site, and hard lessons we learned once the choice was made.

Your ProForma, Post-Open: An Essential Tool to Avoid Mistakes and Stay Afloat

You’ve attended all the sessions on what a proforma is. You’ve learned how it helps you test financial feasibility pre-open. But did you know that long after you find feasibility – even after your project is fully funded – co-op leadership will continue using your co-op’s proforma to steer the ship? Two founding directors of startups that opened in 2021 will lead this session: Brenda Haines of the Oshkosh Food Co-op and Rich Larochelle of the Fredericksburg Food Co-op. They’ll share their boards’ experiences using proformas pre- and post-open, with first-hand examples of using these tools to assess co-op viability when construction costs poured in during store builds and to make sure their co-ops were on (or got back on) course post-open. Attend this session to hear their approaches to using your Co-op’s proforma to (1) determine when adjustments may be needed for your Co-op to be financially viable and (2) make mid-course corrections when plans don’t go as originally forecast. They’ll also share real-life proforma risks to keep in mind as you plan your store.

Speakers – Rich Larochelle, Brenda Haines

Planning and Implementing a GREAT Capital Campaign!

Speaker – Ben Sandel

Successful capital campaigns require a great team, clear roles, preparation and strong implementation. In this session we’ll discuss all those and more so you’ll have a better idea of how to make your campaign fun and productive. If you’ve already done a campaign, bring your successes and failures to share, and be ready to be motivated and inspired. Cooperative money is the best money around, and there is (usually) more of it than you think!

Are You Capital Campaign Ready?

Speaker – Katie Novak

Are you wondering if your co-op is ready to raise the funds needed to open your store? If so, this session is for you. With over a decade of experience helping co-ops raise money Katie will share the key indicators that your co-op will be successful before you even start planning your fundraising campaign.

The Financials that Boards Need to Understand after Opening

Speaker – Siobain Mitchell

It’s the moment you’ve been working towards all these long years. Your food co-op opens. You’re about to have a whole lot of financial information coming at you. In this session Siobain will cover what the full board is responsible for knowing & understanding, what your Board Officers and/or Board Finance Committee is responsible for, and when to seek outside support.

Ends-driven Partnerships and Programs - Discerning when to Extend Ends Work beyond the Store through Partnerships

Speakers – Hether Jonna Frayer and Chris Dilley

Spending the co-op’s finite resources on community work other than running a grocery store should be taken Come back in time with the past board chair and past GM of People’s Food Co-op of Kalamazoo to explore how we decided yes to farmers markets, Can Do Kitchen, and anti-racism work, and no to selling tires and cannabis. We’ll explain the role that community partnerships played in our decisions, and introduce attendees to our partners as we talk about the process that made the projects work.seriously. When is it a good idea? When should we stay focused on the store instead? And how would having a strong community partnership impact that decision?

The Challenges Our New GMs Face

Speakers – Sam McCormick, Arlene Wilborn, Steve Cooke, Akil Talley

The job of a general manager (GM) in the food co-op industry requires a very broad range of skills, is incredibly demanding, and it’s tough to find the right person. During the aughts and the early 2010s, many startup food co-ops were able to find GMs who had previous successful experience in the GM role at another food co-op. However, by the mid-2010s, many long-term GMs of established food co-ops across the country started retiring and a “GM drought” began and continues to this day. Today, the vast majority of GMs being hired to open new food co-ops are either coming from 1) a strong background in chain grocery store management or 2) from holding one or more department level manager jobs at other food co-ops. Both professional backgrounds bring great strengths to the GM role, and at the same time often create unique challenges for the new GM and board to navigate together. What are they? Sam McCormick, GM of the Assabet Co-op Market, will be leading this panel with GMs who came to their role from a chain grocery management background, and GMs who came to their role from a co-op department manager background. The panel will highlight both the unique challenges each face, what the experience of trying to work directly with a board for the first time was like, what helped them most, and the unique gifts each perspective brings to a new food co-op.

The Anti-Racist Path: White-led Startups Reimaging Democracy

Speaker – Patrice Lockert Anthony

Racism in America is at the top of the list for Urgencies to Resolve (UTR). A food co-op isn’t about building a “happy place” to shop for food. That’s a by-product of co-ops that support belonging in the community. Food co-ops should uplift democracy, equity, and justice for all who participate, and bring these qualities into our communities. Co-ops are paths to, and models for, democracy and justice. Let’s do a deep dive into what it means to be white in America and how it has impacted the cooperative movement. White-led start-up co-ops can shift the impact of privilege and supremacy and bring equity and justice to what has become a “just another grocery store” dynamic. Now, we’re going to do this workshop with love and truth. We need, though, to check fragilities of privilege and supremacy (conscious or unconscious) at the door. This isn’t the workshop where there will be space for fragility…only love, truth, and justice. We’ll spend 5 minutes between the intro and outro. We’ll listen for 15 minutes. We’ll have break out sessions for 30 minutes, and a whole group discussion session for 15 minutes and end with a Q and A for 10 minutes. The Speaker will provide a *Pre-conference (small) reading packet for those who’d like to dig in a little early.

Power of 1:1 Conversations

Speaker – Darnell Adams, Opal Baker, Erica Zenzele Hardison, Michelle Saavedra Slappey, Mikki Smith

There is so much to do and so many people to talk to as you organize your food-coop. Reach out to the community! Find volunteers! Speak to funders! You can, and should use social media and speaking at events as tools to tell the story of your co-op. But you will also find that one of the best ways to gain momentum with your organizing is to have effective one-on-one conversations with people. One-on-one conversations take time so let’s make your efforts pay off. Let’s talk about how to harness the power of one-on-one conversation using specific techniques to (1) develop positive and trusting relationships with others (2) listen to identify what is important to them (3) move them to action (4) Bonus: meet really incredible people! 

Volunteer Recruitment & Retention: Find 'em & Keep 'em Coming Back for More

Speaker – Bonnie Hudspeth

This workshop will dig into how to create a successful volunteer program for your start-up co-op. We’ll explore ideas for creating a volunteer plan including how to recruit volunteers, match them to the right task to bring out their superpowers, and then how to successfully train, manage and retain your co-op’s volunteers. We’ll share exchange ideas of where to look for volunteers in your community throughout each development stage, and strategies for keeping volunteers engaged and coming back for more.

The Store Opening Leadership Gap

Speakers – Heather Lazickas and Sam McCormick

After years of organizing and business feasibility work, your co-op has arrived at the time to build the store. Now, all that has to be done is building it, right? Except it’s not! Not only does the physical store need to be built, but the actual business that will operate in that space needs to be built as well. All of it to meet the vision of the owners, the fiscal goals of the proforma, while at the same time your owner community needs to continue to grow and an actual base of customers must be courted to become co-op shoppers. Whew!


In this session, we’ll talk about what needs to happen to move your co-op from point A – a viable site/plan stage – to point B – a thriving open store. This is an area of startup organizing that hasn’t been covered nearly enough in our movement up until now, so Heather and Sam will bring their unique perspectives and expertise to the complexities of this stage and how to handle them as a startup board. There will be no one-size-fits-all answers. They will discuss the expertise and types of leadership needed in this stage, how to build the team that has that expertise to lead this phase of the journey, as well as the board’s role in holding this team accountable.

Searching for Financial Feasibility

Speaker – Sarah Lebherz

Stage 2A is all about four areas of feasibility—will the vision you have work? This workshop focuses on increasing your understanding of financial feasibility. We’ll talk about what it means, how to assess it, what impacts it. Your co-op will be financially sustainable if you can identify a path that’s feasible—and then operate the co-op accordingly.

Industry Knowledge = Power

Speaker – Darnell Adams

There is so much for startup food co-op organizers to learn, and it takes so much industry knowledge to open a co-op grocery store. Hiring co-op experts for select pieces of organizing, such as business planning, has absolutely been a key to success, allowing cooperators to focus on community organizing and governance. But in trying to save startups from having to know absolutely everything about the grocery industry, have we as co-op developers unintentionally withheld information that has led to disempowerment of organizers and encouraged some ineffective organizing practices? The startup food co-ops that make up FCI’s CITRINE peer learning group, facilitated by Darnell Adams, started asking this question when they didn’t have all the knowledge they needed to grow their co-ops. They dedicated several of their peer learning sessions to learn more about the broader grocery industry and what food co-ops are up against. The results were electrifying! In this session, the CITRINE learning team will be sharing their journey of learning about the broader grocery industry and how it has affected their organizing so far. They will lead an interactive conversation with attendees to find out what they, as on-the-ground startup organizers, feel are the gaps in their knowledge about the grocery industry. The results of this community conversation will be shared with startup food co-op support organizations and consultants so they can better serve the needs of organizing startups.

Shaping the Future of Cooperatives: Co-creating the 8th Principle For Equity and Justice

Speaker – LaDonna Sanders Redmond

The story of the international cooperative principles began in 1844, but it’s far from finished. Over the years, these principles have been embraced, debated, and reinterpreted as part of a dynamic and evolving movement for creating just economies. Cooperation is alive—it’s a living, breathing force for change. In this session, led by LaDonna Sanders Redmond, a renowned US scholar on cooperative principles, you’ll have the unique opportunity to be part of this ongoing evolution. LaDonna will guide you into the vibrant, international dialogue currently shaping a proposed eighth cooperative principle focused on justice and equity. Together, we’ll dive into this global conversation and collaborate on drafting wording for this groundbreaking principle. But it doesn’t stop there—our collective work will be shared with the wider international cooperative community at the International Cooperative Alliance Conference in Delhi, India, in November 2024. Don’t miss this chance to actively shape the future of cooperation—join us and be a part of something truly transformative!

Unlocking the Power of Cooperation: Exploring the Principles that Drive Co-ops

Speaker – LaDonna Sanders Redmond

From the very beginning of humanity, people have thrived by working together. At the heart of cooperatives are the seven international cooperative principles—guiding values that form the foundation of most cooperatives across diverse industries, both in the US and globally. These principles, widely embraced in the food cooperative sector, were originally drafted in 1844 and have since evolved to remain relevant in an ever-changing world. In 1995, new principles were introduced and adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance, reflecting this ongoing evolution. In this session, we’ll explore the origins of these principles, how they shape co-ops today (and the challenges they sometimes face in living up to them), and how they continue to adapt. By the end of this session, you’ll gain a solid understanding of these cooperative principles—how they impact your startup food co-op and how they connect you to the larger national and international cooperative movement that your community is now proudly part of. Join us as we take this exciting step forward together!

Dissecting the Definition of “Healthy”

Speaker – Gabby Davis

After reaching out to current and former cooperators, as well as strangers, on social media to learn about their personal definitions of ‘eating healthy’ and their perceptions of ‘healthy foods’, I was astounded at the replies. The flood of responses, totaling over a hundred, served as poignant reminders that our singular notions of ‘healthy eating/foods’ may inadvertently exclude or alienate potential members. It’s incumbent upon us to regularly scrutinize the messages we disseminate personally and across various platforms if we aspire to genuinely attract a varied assortment of shoppers, members, board members, and staff. True inclusion begins with introspective self-examination(intrapersonal) before extending outward to interpersonal interactions. By amplifying additional voices and perspectives, we embark on a journey of inclusion that resonates deeply with our cooperative values. This presentation will showcase the myriad viewpoints collected from social media inquiries and discussions with fellow cooperators, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of ‘healthy’ eating. Together, let’s cultivate awareness and redefine what it means to uphold the cooperative motto of ‘everyone is welcome’, ensuring that it rings true in every facet of our cooperative community.

Relationship Building - The Key to Grants and Donations

Speakers – Angela Sayles, Shannon Ratliff, Guy Cousins, Rickey Hall, Cierra Washington

Reimagining Co-op Funding: Innovative Ideas and Brainstorming

Speaker – Katie Novak

Co-ops have long been celebrated for their creativity and innovation. In today’s dynamic landscape, these qualities are required for imaging new ways to fund our stores. With over a decade of experience in cooperative fundraising, Katie will showcase a variety of cutting-edge funding sources that co-ops are leveraging successfully. Join us for an engaging brainstorming session where attendees will explore how these inventive funding ideas can be applied to co-ops and communities nationwide.

Nourishing Communities: The Vital Role of Co-op Lenders in Funding Start-up Food Co-ops

Speakers – Tamah Yisrael, Dami Odetola, Roderick McCulloch, Alan Singer, and Vikas Mangipudi

Discover the pivotal role of cooperative lenders in fueling the growth and sustainability of start-up food cooperatives. These community-driven initiatives are vital for local economies, food sovereignty, and access to fresh, ethical products. Our panel merges expertise from finance, cooperative governance, and sustainable food systems, discussing challenges like limited access to traditional banking. Learn how cooperative lenders act as crucial partners, providing accessible, mission-aligned capital. Explore future opportunities in cooperative finance and innovative financing mechanisms for start-up food co-ops. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a passionate cooperative lender, or simply interested in finance and sustainable food systems, this discussion offers valuable insights. Join us to uncover the transformative potential of cooperative lenders in nurturing communities and fostering a fairer, more resilient food system.

The New Normal in Funding Sources

Speaker – Don Moffitt

If your co-op can borrow the money needed to open a store, why not do it? Much has changed over the past several years–competition is stronger, gross margins are lower, labor costs are higher, and inflation has pushed the cost of opening a store through the stratosphere. All of this combined impacts the amount of funding needed and the co-op’s ability to service debt. Come learn what’s going on with start-ups, financially speaking, what “servicing a debt” really means, and what the new normal is in finding the funding you need.

The Long & Winding Road: Sugar Beet Case Study

Speaker – Peter Nolan

The true story of a board member’s journey from startup to opening and the lessons learned along the way

Data Boot Camp: Storing and Leveraging Stakeholder Data

Speakers – Grant Kessler and Matthew Ruffi

Feeling like your co-op’s stakeholder data is a disorganized mess? You’re not alone! This interactive session, led by data management experts Grant Kessler and Matthew Ruffi, equips co-op board members with the knowledge and tools to transform your data into a strategic asset. Go beyond the basics: – Understand key data terminology and CRM systems. – Discover how data drives owner recruiting, engagement, fundraising, and informed decision-making. – Navigate legal considerations surrounding data ownership and privacy. – Implement best practices for data collection and storage, avoiding common pitfalls. – Leverage data for targeted marketing, ownership tracking, stakeholder communication, and impactful fundraising campaigns. This interactive session and Q&A with the owners of Two Presidents Consulting will solidify your understanding and encourage peer-to-peer learning. This session benefits both early- and mid-stage startups by providing actionable insights for maximizing data management throughout your co-op’s journey! Don’t miss out! Gain the confidence to transform your co-op’s data into a STRATEGIC ASSET and unlock the full potential of your community.

Board Chair Champions

Speaker – Joel Kopischke

Board leadership — are you herding cats, the lead sled dog, the workhorse, or the zookeeper? In this fun & interactive session, we’ll cover the role of the board chair/president & how all board members contribute to board leadership for startup co-ops. How to define the role(s), the skills needed, and the support a board chair needs from inside and outside the group. Bring your questions, ideas, and conundrums!

Governing for the Long Haul: Early Stage Governance for the Working Board

Speakers – Leslie Watson and Jade Barker

You’ve probably heard that as a co-op moves along its startup journey, its board will eventually transition from a “working” to a “governing” board. This is true, but even an all-hands-on-deck, early-stage board needs to know what it means to effectively govern, to have a clear and shared sense of who decides what, and how. In this lively session, we’ll share some strategies and tools for building a robust governance practice that avoids common pitfalls, minimizes frustrations, and better prepares your startup to successfully navigate the inevitable challenges ahead.

Member Growth, Cultivating Cooperators

Speakers – Bahni Turpin, Dr. Velonda Anderson

An interview conducted by SoLA Food Co-op Founder Bahni Turpin, with Detroit People’s Food Co-op Outreach and Member Growth Chair Velonda Anderson.

4 Pillars of Effective Startup Outreach

Speaker – Bonnie Hudspeth

In this foundational session on outreach, co-op developer and community builder Bonnie Hudspeth will bring participants on an exploration of the four pillars of effective startup outreach. All stages are welcome – start your outreach from a strong foundation with a full picture of the four pillars, or increase the fruitful connections of your outreach efforts by filling in the pages in your foundational wisdom.

Empowering Communities: Harnessing Cooperative Models for Movement Building

Speaker – Tamah Yisrael

Community organizing is a corner stone for social change that creates great potential for fostering membership growth and rallying support. Today, an increasing number of communities are turning to cooperatives not only as economic hubs but also as platforms for collective action and empowerment. This workshop delves into the role of cooperatives in nurturing vibrant ecosystems that cater to the diverse needs of the communities they serve. Through this interactive session, participants will explore objectives for cooperatives, emphasizing tools, practices, and strategies essential for fostering engagement and ownership. Together, we’ll uncover existing community organizing tools within our cooperative networks while identifying opportunities for expansion. Drawing from collective experiences, we’ll glean insights and best practices, enriching our cooperative endeavors and fortifying the broader cooperative movement in our communities. Moreover, we’ll delve into the art of interfacing with existing movements and organizing efforts, leveraging relational capital to amplify community impact. This session aspires to elevate cooperative ventures beyond mere retail spaces, prompting deeper reflection on the intrinsic value they contribute to the communities they inhabit.

Site Planning: The Foundation of Store Design - Fertile Ground Case Study

Speaker – seven roots and Jenn Truman

Join Fertile Ground Co-op and seven roots as they share the story, the trials, tribulations and dollar signs of the co-op’s site planning and design process. We’ll talk about the role of the board, the design team, and the risks and opportunities of building a bright and shiny new store from scratch.

Site Feasibility, LIVE

Speaker – seven roots

Play along to walk through site feasibility factors live and in person! We’ll work together to assess a real live site, digging into different aspects of feasibility, game show style. Bring your co-op’s info to compare, contrast, and get insights. Bonus: one luck participants gets a FREE STORE (just kidding, but this session will be a lot of fun!)

Finding Your Co-op’s Future Home: Keys to Choosing and Securing a Site

Speaker – John Guerra

When you are ready to search for a site, how do you get started? How will you know if it’s the right site?  What do you need to know about securing a site with a lease or purchase agreement?  So many questions during this exciting phase!  This session will provide basic knowledge on where to start, how to evaluate, and then how to secure a site.  We will explore criteria that will help you evaluate sites from the customer, operator, and builder perspective and then explore steps and critical terms to consider during a purchase or lease agreement. 

Understanding and Using Your Pro Forma

Speaker – Sarah Lebherz

Your pro forma is intended to be a tool, an interactive file that you can use to explore the financial feasibility of your co-op. I’ll share a sample, talk with you about what it is and how it works, why you need it, how you can you use it. I’ll show you the inputs and the outcomes, along with key indicators of feasibility.